Established in 2019 the Pink Kick Programme was formed to educate young women with skills for defending themselves in risky situations. The main goal of the programme is to combat Gender Based Violence, an issue that affects a lot of young women in our communities.
One of the founding members of the programme and Secretary at DOJO Khumbelo Ramaru relishes the programme’s growth in its 4 years of existence. In addition, she enjoys the positive response from young women. Ramaru sees the programme growing into one of the biggest programmes in the country. A recent podcast talk with Capital Sport LIVE , Ramaru revealed that the response from the community has been positive which is something as a community-based programme motivates them.
“There is high participation. We are recruiting more women into sports and we also have mothers who join with their children”. The programme also encourages participation from the elderly to improve the community’s involvement in sports. Catch more about the programme on the Capital Sport podcast below